Naghsh Almas Caspian

Naghsh Almas Caspian Industrial Group was established in 2018 with the aim of supplying printing and packaging materials, in order to stop importing these products to the country. This company has been founded in an area of over 25,000 square meters workshop, located in Caspian Industrial Town one in Qazvin province and has started production of BOPP and BOPET thermal films for the first time in Iran.


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فرآیند اکستروژن

اکسترودر در قلب فرایند اکستروژن است. هدف اکسترودر در تغذیه‌ی دای با خوراک همگن در دما و فشار ثابت است.

پلیمر چیست؟

پلیمر یا بسپار، مولکول‌های بسیار بزرگی است که از اتصال چند صد مونومر به یکدیگر و تشکیل زنجیره های بلند شکل می‌گیرد.

Our Mission and Our Vision

Our Mission and Our Vision Naghsh Almas Caspian Industrial Group will be one of the top exporters in the field of printing and packaging industry in Iran and the Middle East in the near future, and will supply most of the products and supplies that need to be imported in the printing industry and will bring domestic self-sufficiency

Naghsh Almas Caspian Products

Naghsh Almas Caspian Industrial Group in the first phase, have started the production of BOPP and BOPET thermal films. The products in the second phase are suitable for extrusion coating on different substrates.



About one million square meters or 22 tons.

Must be kept in 10 to 28 Celsius degrees and away from sunlight and humidity.

Between 6 and 12 months (depending on storage conditions)

Contact the head office.

BOPET metalized films have better printability (UV printing) than BOPP metalized ones, but working with BOPP is easier and faster.